The Tale of Leucothoe (CA, V, 6713-83)

Gaston, John B

The Tale of Leucothoe (CA, V, 6713-83)

Gaston, John B. "The Tale of Leucothoe (CA, V, 6713-83)." In John Gower's Literary Transformations in the Confessio Amantis: Original Articles and Translations. Ed. Beidler, Peter G. Washington, D. C.: University Press of America, 1982, pp. 75-77. ISBN 081925962

Gaston summarizes Ovid's tale of the "tragic cruelty" of Leucothoe's death ("Metamorphoses" 4.190-270) and identifies ways that Gower alters Ovid's version in his own account in CA 5.6713-83. Gower reduces Venus' role in the plot, shifting blame to Phoebus for his use of stealth in pursuing Leucothoe, who is wholly innocent in Gower even though Ovid had presented her as "somewhat willing." [MA]


Gower Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations
Confessio Amantis