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The John Gower Bibliography Online (JGBO) is a joint effort of the John Gower Society and The University of Texas at San Antonio Library. For questions, additions, suggestions, or corrections, please contact Mark Allen at mark.allen@utsa.edu.

The JGBO was designed and made available in 2007. It includes the bibliographical information printed in The John Gower Newsletter (JGN), information compiled by Professor Peter Nicholson (abbreviated PN in individual entries) of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, covering the years 1980 to the present. This information is updated annually. Many materials from before 1980 have been contributed by Conrad van Dijk (abbreviated CvD in individual entries) of Concordia University College in Edmonton, Alberta. Records marked [RFY1981] replicate or adapt, with permission, selections from Robert F. Yeager, John Gower Materials: A Bibliography Through 1979 (New York & London: Garland, 1981).

Other contributors include R.F. Yeager (RFY) of the University of West Florida in Pensacola (emeritus), Candace Barrington (CB) of Central Connecticut State University, Ana Saez Hidalgo (AS-H) of the University of Valladolid, Michael P. Kuczynski of Tulane University (MPK), Brian W. Gastle (BWG) of Western Carolina University, Tim W. Machan (TWM) of the University of Notre Dame), Roger A. Ladd (RAL) of the University of North Carolina-Pembroke, Yoshiko Kobayashi (YK) of the University of Tokyo, Linda Barney Burke (LBB) of Elmhurst College, Jean-Pascal Pouzet (J-PP), Michael J. Bennett (MJB) of the University of Tasmania, Emily Houlik-Ritchey (EH-R) of Rice University, Zachary Stone (ZS) of the University of Virginia, Jeremy J. Smith (JJS) of Glasgow University, Matti Peikola (MP) of the University of Turku, Jeffery Stoyanoff (JS, JGS) of Spring Hill College, Yayoi Miyashita of Hokkaido University, Ethan Knapp (EK) of the Ohio State University, Xialong Wu (XW) of Zhejang University, John Leland (JL) of Salem University (emeritus), María Bullón-Fernández (MB-F) of Seattle University, Kara McShane (KMcS) of Ursinus College; Will Rogers (WR) of the University of Louisiana at Monroe, Joel Fredell (JF) of Southeastern Louisiana University, Thari Zweers (TZ) of Cornell University, Rita Copland (RC) of the University of Pennsylvania, Natalie Grinnell (NG) of Wofford College, Colin J. Keohane (CJK) of the University of Victoria, Robert W. Meindl (RWM) of Sacramento State University (emeritus), Curtis Runstedler (CR) University of Stuttgart, Craig E. Bertolet (CEB) of Auburn University, Matthew W. Irvin (MWI), Sewanee/University of the South; Rebecca Menmuir (RM), University of Oxford; Linne Mooney (LM), University of York, emerita; Eve Salisbury (ES), Western Michigan University, and Mark Allen (MA) of the University of Texas at San Antonio (emeritus)

Frequently recurring abbreviations include the following:

Confessio Amantis
Cinkante Balades
Cronica Tripertita
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
Dante's Divine Comedy
Boethius's De Consolatione Philosophiae
Mirour de l'Omme
The Romance of the Rose, by Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun
Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde
Vox Clamantis