Animaduersions vppon the Annotacions and Corrections of some imperfections of impressiones on Chaucer's workes

Thynne, Francis

Animaduersions vppon the Annotacions and Corrections of some imperfections of impressiones on Chaucer's workes

Thynne, Francis. "Animaduersions vppon the Annotacions and Corrections of some imperfections of impressiones on Chaucer's workes." Early Early Text Society . London: Trübner, 1875

After Speght's edition of Chaucer appeared in 1598, Francis Thynne produced a volume of criticism, or "Animadversions" the following year. A brief portion of Thynne's volume touches on the Gower biography (18-22). Thynne doesn't believe that Gower, in Speght's words, calls Chaucer "a worthie Poet" and that he makes him "the Iudge of his workes." Gower's also was not from Stittenham in Yorkshire. Likewise, the effigy on Gower's tomb wears a chaplet of roses and not a garland of ivy and roses. Lastly, Thynne casts doubt on the idea that Chaucer and Gower were of the Inner Temple and were thus trained in law. [CvD]


Gower Subjects
Biography of Gower